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RE: What sensitivity? - ruggish - 08-27-2011

(08-27-2011, 12:50 PM)JDBar Wrote: I don't play COD, but nearly any game I need a nice high sensitivity, especially so if I'm using a controller.

If you don't play COD then you have no idea what sensitivity you would use.. COD is different then any other game.

RE: What sensitivity? - LiteFire - 08-27-2011

I always thought it was cooler to play on a higher sensitivity. Started off at 3, moved up to 7 over time.

RE: What sensitivity? - Digital-Punk - 08-27-2011

When I first started playing COD I had no idea what sensitivity was lol, so when I did find out I jacked mine up to 7 but now I play on ten. I have been playing on ten for like a year now and my ratio was like a .50, now im at like a 1.08. Big improvement I think.

RE: What sensitivity? - LiteFire - 08-27-2011

Haha same I had no idea what it even did. (This was a while ago though)

RE: What sensitivity? - JDBar - 08-28-2011

(08-27-2011, 12:55 PM)ruggish Wrote: If you don't play COD then you have no idea what sensitivity you would use.. COD is different then any other game.

Actually I take that back. I played a bit of splitscreen with my cousins and friends a few times. Pretty sure I used with 7 or 8.
And no, COD is the same as any other game. Sensitivity settings are not unique to COD.

RE: What sensitivity? - Ambitious - 08-28-2011

I play on 7 (Very High). It just seems right for me. It's not too fast and not too slow. It's perfect in my opinion.

-- Ambitious --

RE: What sensitivity? - Crysis. - 08-28-2011

I usually play on 7 but I've been slowly trying to get to 10 so I can maximize my gameplay.

RE: What sensitivity? - Jamieee - 08-28-2011

(08-28-2011, 01:08 PM)Crysis. Wrote: I usually play on 7 but I've been slowly trying to get to 10 so I can maximize my gameplay.

I switched from 7-10 and I got use to it within a day.

RE: What sensitivity? - ShellsRus - 08-28-2011

I don't really play cod, but if I do I play on 6, I don't like the madness of doing 360's once every millisecond.

RE: What sensitivity? - iLLusiionsZ - 08-28-2011

I always play on the highest sensitivity a game can offer