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Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Printable Version

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RE: Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Fragma - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 01:02 PM)Scalise Wrote: Aside from the Xbox exclusives. There is really nothing that the Xbox has over the PS3.

The only complaint I had when I bought my PS3 was the inability to talk to my friends whenever I wanted to while playing different games, like you can with Xbox Part Chat. Which we fixed through the use of TeamSpeak servers.

Plus, Gran Turismo 5 is all you could ever need. Thumbsup

I got given GT5 for free and sold it lol.
Overrated game IMO.

RE: Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Untouch - 04-06-2011

Don't turn to the dark side, stay with the ps3. Big Grin

RE: Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Kitten - 04-18-2011

Xbox is amazing. You won't get a better online multiplayer experience with any other console