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Best regiment for weight loss? - Printable Version

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RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - Carney - 05-13-2011

liquid b12 is really a good dieting pills to maintain the balance weight..
My elder brother have the experience of the liquid b12 and he really satisfied with the results...
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RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - Anthony00814 - 05-23-2011

According to me i anticipate that The best weight loss dieting to chase is one which requires the atomic bulk of sacrifice and effort.Plan out a agenda for the specific time you will eat, and what you will eat.

herbal tea

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - .Zo - 05-23-2011

Try replacing regular soda with diet soda even though I know the tase can be repulsive, and whenever you catch yourself not doing something, drink water!

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - WhiteFlame - 05-23-2011

Hmm if you ask me then the best way to go is to have a massive breakfast and slowly make your meals smaller throughoput the day. I start with porridge a bowl of cereal + a couple of pieces of fruit with some small snacks or a breakfast bar. Then have a sandwich and some chrisps with perhaps some more fruit then for tea just some fruit.

It might be strange for a bit but it means you can have whatever you want for breakfast. I jused ot havw a breakfast roast every mondat breakfast that was left over from the sunday Smile

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - Frowneyface - 06-17-2011

(08-04-2010, 07:12 PM)Foresight Wrote: What's the best regiment for losing weight that you guys know of? I have some extra weight that I'd like to get rid of as fast as I can without the regiment seeming too plain. Like is there a good workout plan to lose weight while mixing it up a bit to keep things interesting?

If you make a schedule and stay dedicated you will lose weight in no time. Try running thats what always seemed to help me stay in shape. Start out slow and increase your intensity every few days or so. Excerise will only show results though if you eat right. Try and cut out fatty processed foods and sugars. These foods can kill all the effort you put into excercising.

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - SniperRiflezzzz - 06-17-2011

P90X workouts are the best way to lose weight or shed off some fatness for some muscle. Honestly I'd rather be bigger built that way I could shed it off then gain muscle quick. (Lucky you!)

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - Lucid - 06-21-2011

Eat healthy. Stay away from fat foods. No fast food. No soda. Drink water and do plenty of cardio. You will drop weight like crazy.

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - RiChZ - 06-21-2011

I wish I was fat.I eat alot and I never get fat : (

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - Strong - 06-27-2011

There is many tiny things you can do to lose wait, no fast food, less snack food, work out or exercise regularly.

RE: Best regiment for weight loss? - devilpsn - 06-27-2011
