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RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - hockeynut35 - 04-09-2010

(04-09-2010, 03:49 PM)41Shots Wrote: I believe it is acceptable. Time outs spoil kids, not saying it should be used for small things, but there are times that require it.

I disagree.

Off topic: Your signature is far to large.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - Silver - 04-09-2010

(04-09-2010, 01:14 AM)MyFolder Wrote: Well, I think spanking kids is not a bad idea nor good idea tho.. We can try to talk to the kids first.. If they didn't even bother to do/obey what we said to them (couple of times saying the same thing maybe), they spank them.. It's the last resort to teach them a lessons..

P/s : I'm not a daddy.. lol..

I'm going to agree with you. Sometime children won't stop after talking to them time after time. So what else can you do? Humiliate them?

I'm 15, my parents never spanked me or hit me with a belt. I'm a well behaved kid, so I think it can depend how the parent treats the child.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - theboner - 04-09-2010

I am a father of 2, you will know when it comes time to spank your child. It is just like training a dog(yes bad anology). But fact of the matter is that if a child misbehaves even after you continually do the non physical forms of disicpline 1st. Say no and explain why 2nd. Same as 1st 3rd. Timeout or seperation from others and things to occupy child 4th. is to spank and reitterate why you had to.

There is somethings that a child will do to goto steps 3 and 4 automatically.

The key is to start early on teaching your child what is right wrong so you won't have to deal with steps 3 and 4 as much

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - Gone - 04-09-2010

(04-09-2010, 03:51 PM)hockeynut35 Wrote: I disagree.

Care to say why?

Edit: Its twenty pixels larger :/
Edit2: And is within the rules, so i'm not even gonna consider changing it.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - ktmrider530 - 04-09-2010

I'm all for it. If they won't listen beat some ass lol

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - theboner - 04-09-2010

(04-09-2010, 04:23 PM)ktmrider530 Wrote: I'm all for it. If they won't listen beat some ass lol

There are steps to take before it does get to that point. The point of spanking a child is to show that something is wrong. Just spanking the child without explaining the reason behind it even if there is a reason then its considered abuse. Teaching kids is just like training a dog. There stubborn at first but if you keep at it from the beginning makes it alot easier in the end to deal with.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - hockeynut35 - 04-09-2010

I'd have to say there's probably like a fifty fifty split regarding this topic

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - Uchiha Scottyy.Fx™ - 04-09-2010

(04-09-2010, 01:43 AM)Nyx- Wrote: I was a kid who couldn't be reasoned with but was never hit, I would get grounded and still leave the house when I was older and stuff like that, words cant hurt me and it was hard to hold any punishment down because I was persistent, imo if I had a child like I was I would beat the crap out of them, like what else can you do lol.

I was also sent to a disciplinary boot camp for a month, randomly drug tested and then eventually kicked out. Rebel 4 lyf.


But on a serious note, i think there are more effective punishments that will get the point across.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - Fallenour - 04-09-2010

im gonna spank the hell outta my kids, I got it when I was a kid, turned me into a good person.

RE: Spanking children as a means of discipline. - Pokémon - 04-09-2010

I think that it should be reserved only for certain situations. For example, "Mom, I don't want to eat my vegetables anymore." " you don't want to eat vegetables, eh?" *spank/hit* I think that's a stupid reason. I think you could probably train kids like dogs when the do something good reward them.