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I'm hungry all the time.. - Printable Version

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RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Skyset - 07-22-2011

Thanks for all the replies. I'll make sure to buy some healthy snack for when I'm hungry. Smile

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Analyze™ - 07-27-2011

You should start working out, that appetite could help you a lot. Just make sure your diet is rich of quality foods of course.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Launcher - 07-27-2011

(07-22-2011, 12:44 PM)Liquid X Wrote: What you do, is drink a lot of water.
It fills you up for a short time taking your mind off of it.

You can drink as much water as you want and never gain weight.

This may be my problem. I drink a lot of stuff all the time. Never really alcohol but always something. I am the complete opposite and never sit around eating it seems. I just do not have the time and when I do have time I just feel like I could be doing something better with my time.

@OP I would just try to find things to do so your not slugging around bored and eating because that will cause you to just eat more even when your really not hungry but just are telling yourself that you are.

A gym also wouldn't hurt its always better than nothing and if you can go for cheap then I say go for it! My problem with the gym is I just hate going their by myself and just feel not motivated at all.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Swagg N - 07-27-2011

i used to do the same exact thing.. its a hard habit to cut but it will pay off. i haven't had a can of soda in 2 years or any real junk food (lil debbies, ice cream, etc..) in about 6 months.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Rofl Loves You - 07-28-2011

As said before, eat healthy foods and spread them out through the day.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Classicz - 08-04-2011

Make sure you're eating big, healthy meals.
Have healthy snacks when yo need to.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Retrotiger - 08-13-2011

Go to CVS/Walgreens.

Buy Bronkaid(Ephedrine HCL). A box should cost around $15. And then buy caffeine pills.

Ephedrine works synergistically with caffeine. It will make you burn fat and suppress appetite.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - FISH - 08-13-2011

Dude that used to be me but I stopped once I noticed I was gaining allot of weigt I'm back to normal now.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Prince - 10-14-2011

Have fruits whenever you feel hungry instead of choclates,hot fags and alike foods.