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How do you copy at school? - Printable Version

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RE: How do you copy at school? - Justin Bieber - 04-18-2011

The main way I cheat on tests and stuff is to take out my folder, put the notes underneath said folder, and put the test on top of the folder. If the teacher asks you why you have the folder out, just say it's easier for you to write on a smoother surface. Whenever the teacher is not paying attention, slip the paper out from under the folder and view what you need, and stick it back in place.

RE: How do you copy at school? - Modestep - 04-18-2011

I take photos before with my iphone(saved me alot of times), or i put papers between my agenda.

RE: How do you copy at school? - Quintus - 04-19-2011

I know a girl who pasted a sticky note (with the answers) underneath her hair and covered her face with it. Too bad the teacher noticed.

RE: How do you copy at school? - rockclimber66 - 04-19-2011

I usually don't cheat but if I need to I just write things on my hand.

RE: How do you copy at school? - Spectrum - 04-19-2011

I'd say study.
Say next year, they reflect on what you learn this year.

You won't always be able to copy.

RE: How do you copy at school? - Scalise - 04-19-2011

Google answers on my iPhone or just open my book on the floor.

My english teacher stapled the answers onto the back of our quiz the other day, lol fail. Omg

RE: How do you copy at school? - PhiLLy BR - 04-20-2011

I just use Cheat sheets when I need to cheat nothing too crazy.

RE: How do you copy at school? - AsSaSs@iN - 04-21-2011

Cheating is useless if you are the smartest in the class Smile

RE: How do you copy at school? - Mandy - 04-21-2011

I never copy I rather get an F for my work than an A for another person's. Although I never get F's or C, or D's, and rarely ever B.

RE: How do you copy at school? - Loukas - 04-21-2011

Right all answers on my hand. Teachers are to stupid to look.