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What are you like when you're drunk? - Printable Version

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RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - Elektrisk - 10-18-2009

Quote: You aren't supposed to mix different color liquors as it is.

We're noob teenagers, not bartenders ^^

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - Grizzly - 10-18-2009

*Hangs head* lol

I was a bartender when I was 18 lol. And hey, I'm only 23. I just happen to have been drinking on a regular basis since I was 16 lol. Then at 19 I was at my first unit in the Army, where when you are off you don't do anything but drink. I would be drunk now but I'm no call until 9am Tuesday ><.

I just know mainly from my drinking experience. not to mix different colors. It is a recipe for hangover/sickness. Just like beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - Elektrisk - 10-18-2009

Quote:*Hangs head* lol

LoL don't tell me you're ashamed of it? Without bartenders, what would the general public do? My brother, who is now 17, will probably end up becoming one. I can already see it :b

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

Wow man. I mix beer and spirits every day?? Always mix in a few pipes also and i dont get hung over.

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - Elektrisk - 10-18-2009

(10-18-2009, 03:05 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Wow man. I mix beer and spirits every day?? Always mix in a few pipes also and i dont get hung over.

I've only consumed beer before liquor once, and I don't recall getting sick. Then again, I didn't have that much beer. I prefer to start drinking beer when I'm already drunk, because I hate the taste of it, and if I'm intoxicated, it won't bother me.

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

lol yea i hear ya mate. Beer can be a bit off tasting as a first drink.
On a really hot day though its quite refreshing.
I actually like to down a bourborn first then beer and then more bourborn generally.

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - ProspectDotNet - 10-18-2009

I usually tell people things I want them not to know. Alcohol, my anti-secret.

RE: What are you like when you're drunk? - Omniscient - 10-19-2009

Very loud, obnoxious, and happy drunk.