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MyBB Theme: pro.Green - Printable Version

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MyBB Theme: pro.Green - Peter L - 01-22-2012

pro.Green Info

pro.Green is a dark, professionally sleek theme for MyBB 1.6. My first MyBB theme. All images made in Photoshop and customization done by me fully.


Download link:

Install Instructions:
My first MyBB theme. All images made in Photoshop and customization done by me fully.

Install Instructions:
1. Upload the proGreen folder to your ./images/ directory
2. Upload pro.Green-theme.xml in your Admin Control Panel
3. Activate the theme


4. In FTP, browse to ./inc/languages/english/global.lang.php
5. Remove these two lines:

    a. $l['welcome_open_buddy_list'] = "Open Buddy List";
    b. $l['welcome_current_time'] = "<strong>Current time:</strong> {1}";

For support or comments, please post in this thread. Thanks.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - King - 01-22-2012

Not a huge fan of the background. It's alright though. Personally, I prefer working with light themes. Images and text seems to be easier to manage and the colour schemes are usually easier to come by.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - AceInfinity - 01-22-2012

It looks similar to many of the themes already made out there, but I still see an unchanged blue down arrow in the combo box selector in the bottom right. If this is your first attempt though it's decent Smile

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - Peter L - 01-22-2012

Nah that arrow is my Windows 7 Theme, however I do have an issue in that section. How do I change the font color? I went through every stylesheet, each individual id/class and cannot figure it out!

Thanks for the comments, as well.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - King - 01-22-2012

I've done it before. I think it inherits the colour from another template. That or you need to fudge around with the JavaScript files. Can't remember. I'll look into it later.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - Peter L - 01-22-2012

I think it may be the javascript or language files because CSS doesn't control that one afaik.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - Quantum - 01-22-2012

Assuming this a some kind of drug related theme by the way the word "grass" is.

Or not?

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - Peter L - 01-22-2012

No haha, grass is green and stuff so you know.

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - Crystal - 01-23-2012

I sorta like it Smile
Would love to see it when its completed!

RE: Trying my hand at a MyBB theme - TalishHF - 01-23-2012

Woah looking pretty sexy!
would you be interested in designing a theme like this for dark coding?