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A hard decision - Confused - 05-26-2011

Hi guys, I've been coming to this forum for a while, but I would like to remain anonymous while asking this question. I apologize if this question isn't appropriate for this forum, but it seemed like the right place.

So I'm 13 and in the 8th grade. I'm "dating" a 7th grader and we are both in love. We have been "dating" for 3 months and have done various things with each other. We both want to have sex and we have condoms and she has some pills her mom gave her. As much as I want to and think I'm ready to have sex, there is still one thing that keeps holding me back. Everyone thinks I'm an innocent, sweet teenager who wouldn't even think to do something like that. I just don't know which way I want to go.

I'm aware how ridiculous it is to even be considering that at such a young age, I just needed some people to ask, even if I don't know them.

*I put quotes around dating because I'm sure some of you wouldn't consider it dating at my age*

Thanks Thumbsup

RE: A hard decision - Syaxe - 05-26-2011

Well your bound to do it sooner or later and the thing with that is I just wouldn't tell anyone, its not their business.

RE: A hard decision - Guest - 05-26-2011

Thanks for the reply. I'm never one for sharing things like that, and neither is she. That part isn't a problem, it's just the moral part and the fact that most people things it ridiculous for anyone my age to even be thinking about that.

RE: A hard decision - Syaxe - 05-26-2011

All i personally have to say is just be safe because having a child at that age can happen.

RE: A hard decision - Guest - 05-27-2011

Well, just be careful. Technically the age of consent is 16 in most states so if one of the parents flips crap you could be in a lawsuit. Most likely won't happen though.

If you are both willing to accept any and all possible consequences, then go for it.

RE: A hard decision - 0xE9 - 05-27-2011

Come to the UK, I've seen pregnant 12 year olds.

RE: A hard decision - Misa - 05-27-2011

Three months and your planning sex?
Where I live it's completely different, at your age I wouldn't think you two are going to be together forever. I'm not trying to ruin your "Dreams" or future, but do what you want/what feels right to you.

RE: A hard decision - pirategamer6996 - 05-28-2011

well bro i lost my verginity at 13 as well. but i regret it. at 13 you just don't know enough to be any good at sex anyway. you will last only a minute and it will be akward between you two for a long time afterward. as for you loving her, you two have only been dating three months and im sorry but thats not love. you're best bet is to enjoy your childhood as long as possible. trust me when you're my age you will regret growing up too fast.

RE: A hard decision - G0dfath3r - 05-28-2011

I've seen many friends of same age you have are father of couple of childs.
I personally think that first make future try to stand on your feets.As we all know under 18 boys/girls ard depended of their parents.
If i would be at your place surely can't ruin my dreams anyways it's your own life and probably you better knows about future planning.

RE: A hard decision - Codad Law - 05-28-2011

You're not in love.
You don't know crap.
Don't fudge around in middle school.