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MyBB Fans has now lanuched a THEMING COMPETITION for MyBB 1.2.x with staggering prizes. The contest was announced mere minutes ago and I think this may be one for FW.
Check it:

Please help out the MyBB community by Digging this:
I, however, cannot partcicipate as well as some others.
As I *contribiuted* to the prize fund.
Yeah, I'm no themer, so this is for FirefoxWiz ;)
And I've been wondering how you got in such good ranks with everyone else. :S
You appear at MyBB Fans and you help out with Install4Free at MyBB Games.

I'd like to help with that, maybe as 'installing' the boards, as I hate uploading, but would love to help somehow ;)

PS> My Internet has been out for the last two days, and is just breifly here right now as I say this Big Grin

Dr Small
Not sure about install4free, but the MyBBfans partnership cost him some dosh. And in return, his website is advertised on every mybboard under the version checking page.
Sure, I'll try to make up a good theme and join. It depends on if I can get a test board uploaded, with my internet cutting out like it is. ;)

Hopefully I'll be able to join though. Big Grin
$50 from if you get 2nd place Tongue
I don't think I'll even win one of the prizes. Plus I couldn't get the cash anyways, for I don't have Paypal! Tongue
There's always your bog standard post Tongue
Bog standard post? Say what? :S
You give mybbfans your home address we send the money via paypal to the staff member closest to you, then they send the money to you via a stamp and envelope Smile
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