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Somebody needs to invent a 'forwarding' address system, for anonymous people, such as this:
You sign up at the forwarding site.
They give you a forwarding address, which users send things to, which upon receiving they send to your address.

This discloses your personal address, and still allows you to receive mail.
My address (for example), would be the actual company's address but with my login name, such as:
Dr Small
Mail Forwarding Agency
123 Main Street Road
Jamestown, VA 22930

and then they would read up the name "Dr Small" in their database, print out a mailing label and send it to "Dr Small's" Address. It would make a great way to receive mail and remain anonymous. Big Grin

Dr Small
you mean like a PO Box?
Uh- Not entirely. I used to have a Post Office Box, so I understand, but this like I was talking about would be some private agency that when a person sent mail to THEM with say my username on it, they would look my username up in the database, and forward the mail onto my actual address, concealing my real address from the sender.

This could be called a tor node Tongue

The problem with a P.O. Box, is it is usually too close to my address, and would give to much sensitive data to the sender, and you know me, I like to be secure and anonymous ;)

Dr Small
The only problem with that is that the entire process would take longer since the company would have to send the mail out to you. With a P.O. Box you can collect the mail as soon as it arrives (technically).
A lot of companies are offering a similar service to that (cant think of any off the top of my head), the one thing they have in common is they are all collection. I think I've read somewhere they they will forward mail sent to your PO Box to your home address.
Speaking of Cash Mailing, I need you address MiNT, but I can't ever find you on anywhere. Drop me a line via email or PM. I hope Royal Mail's employees in Northants aren't reading this Tongue
Any theme color ideas I could use to make a theme for the contest? I was thinking either red & blue or orange & blue.
Hi, just letting you know the contests deadline has been pushed back to July 31 2007.
Good luck Smile
Thanks for the update, MiNT. Smile
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