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(10-09-2009, 10:54 AM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]For fun why not try to make your own witza man image or maybe spruce up the existing one.

just thought it would be fun to see what you could do Tongue

have fun guys

[Image: avatar_1.gif]
lol it is hard to make something out of these!
I'll give this a shot when I'm back on windows.
here it is Big Grin
[Image: omni6.png]
[Image: omni5.png]
[Image: omni4.png]
HAHA, awesome! I'll try some stuff in a bit.
[Image: avatar1-copy.gif]
[Image: avatar1-copyyy.png]
[Image: avatar1-cotttpy.png]
[Image: avatar1ddd-copy.png]
no more Tongue
where i can download your graphic software

tell me

[Image: ?u=mko885&u3=2455336]
Random :
[Image: randomg.png]
ewwww, just noticed that looking awful. Here's another one.
[Image: random1.png]
[Image: avatar1a.gif] too easy.
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