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Full Version: How do you get FireFox to ignore anti-right click protections?
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How do you get Fire Fox to bypass those annoying site features that prevent right clicking? Opera just does, but what about Fire Fox?
LOL! I knew you were gonna ask that question! Tongue

Ok, Go to your Tools > Options > Content > Javascript (Click Advanced). Once in Advanced, uncheck "Disable or Replace context menus"!!
I thought there was some extension out that did this (?) maybe not. I'll have to look.
But for me, if there's something that I want on a page, and it's restricted because of 'no-right click',
well, I just view the source, and get the link to it.

The may have a javascript code in there for 'no-right click' but they can't keep me out of their source!
An easy way to access a webpage source, would be to make a link, like this:

arrggg, the link won't work. but you can paste this into the address bar:

Dr Small
FirefoxWiz Wrote:LOL! I knew you were gonna ask that question! Tongue

You're psychic Lacy! ;)

Thanks for the help! =)
* Dr Small looks up psychic in his built-in Linux dictionary......
MrMedic Wrote:
FirefoxWiz Wrote:LOL! I knew you were gonna ask that question! Tongue

You're psychic Lacy! ;)

Thanks for the help! =)
Always glad to help! Big Grin
Dr Small Wrote:* Dr Small looks up psychic in his built-in Linux dictionary......
While you're at it, look up how to pronounce it for me! Tongue