Well usually when I come one firefox I don't have much time so I'm in a rush and don't have very good grammar and things. So I was wondering how do you use the spell check?
I think you have to be in a spot like this quick reply and type something wrong, and it underlines it with a red line.... ?
It never underlines anything in red for me. Even when I spell wrong....
Same here, when I tried it yesterday :S ^^
I just use Google Toolbar (in 1.5)
SAMe with me it doesn't under line anything in red. Thats odd. So do you know how to though ISR?
Wikzo, are you using version 2.0 BETA? (the English version)
and Happy, what are you using??
I mean, if your not using FF2.0, the spelling error thingy isn't going to work. So what version are you using??
Oh ... I downloaded it as the Danish version
Well now I downloaded Beta 2.