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DrPoodle Wrote:For those who don't know about Net Neutrality or the current goings on in the Senate, read this "enlightening" post:

Presenting Senator Ted Stevens...possibly the most idiotic man alive...

text from link...
DrPoodle Wrote:Post: #1George W Bush is not an idiot!

That's correct, I have found a man stupider than George W Bush!

We all love "Bushisms" which are quotes that Bush has said that make no sense whatsoever, like "I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right." and "I believe the human being and fish can coexist peacefully".

But now the vast online communities have another man who speaks utter nonsense. proudly presents..."SSS"...Senator Stevens Speak!

That's right, Senator Stevens of the United States Senate, and the "ring leader" of the current "Anti Net Neutrality" issues.

For those who don't know about "Net Neutrality", essentially the US senate are trying to pass a bill to allow ISP's (Internet Service Providers) to charge websites for fast connections. Put simply, if you want users to connect to your site quickly, you will have to pay ISP's a fee to do so. This is not too much bother for big online companies like Google and Microsoft, but for the small time sites (of which there are billions) it is very bad news.

The entire internet community has lashed out at the senate for even contemplating this, but the senate continue to ignore their reasoning, causing the community to wonder why the Senate are doing this.

A few weeks back an answer was given! In a speech from Senator Ted Stevens, the man himself "explains" how the internet he thinks it works.

Read on...and whimper:

Senator Ted Stevens Wrote:There's one company now you can sign up and you can get a movie delivered to your house daily by delivery service. Okay. And currently it comes to your house, it gets put in the mail box when you get home and you change your order but you pay for that, right.

But this service isn't going to go through the interent and what you do is you just go to a place on the internet and you order your movie and guess what you can order ten of them delivered to you and the delivery charge is free.

Ten of them streaming across that internet and what happens to your own personal internet?

I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?

Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially.

So you want to talk about the consumer? Let's talk about you and me. We use this internet to communicate and we aren't using it for commercial purposes.

We aren't earning anything by going on that internet. Now I'm not saying you have to or you want to discrimnate against those people.

The regulatory approach is wrong. Your approach is regulatory in the sense that it says "No one can charge anyone for massively invading this world of the internet". No, I'm not finished. I want people to understand my position, I'm not going to take a lot of time.

They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.

It's a series of tubes.

And if you don't understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.

Now we have a separate Department of Defense internet now, did you know that?

Do you know why?

Because they have to have theirs delivered immediately. They can't afford getting delayed by other people.

Now I think these people are arguing whether they should be able to dump all that stuff on the internet ought to consider if they should develop a system themselves.

Maybe there is a place for a commercial net but it's not using what consumers use every day.

It's not using the messaging service that is essential to small businesses, to our operation of families.

The whole concept is that we should not go into this until someone shows that there is something that has been done that really is a violation of net neutraility that hits you and me.

The Internet is a "series of tubes"...where information "gets in line and its going to be delayed".

To put that load of gibberish simply: Senator Stevens knows absolutely f*ck all about the Internet.

I'm not surprised that it took his staff over a week to send the entire Internet to him, and in fact I'm impressed it was so quick! By latest calculations it would take well over...the entire length of human history to send the Internet to someone...

If still need proof that this guy is a complete retard, just listen to this longer speech about net neutrality. He can hardly string a sentence together:

Also, I found this "remix" quite amusing:

The Internet is doomed, and all because of a senator and his cronies who know less about the Internet than a 3 year old child...

....Uhhh the internet isnt going to crash.
For NOW it will only directly effect the U.S. But, as Rome goes...
I'm editing the first post, please

reread the post.