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Pages: 1 2
I don't Smile Good job.
FirefoxWiz Wrote:Uhhh, Cool Guy:

PHP Code:
MySQL error1044
Access denied 
for user 'coolguy_db1'@'localhost' to database 'coolguy_forumz'

'Sides, Wolf can make one too Tongue
It'll be like that for a while now, he's no longer hosted with NH.
How come?

Well he'd paid for a design to be done, which I had been working on but had told him it had been delayed due to a few changes with the hosting (as the hosting is just a side project in my spare time) management. I had just finished working on his site, coding and all when i got an e-mail from him that he was leaving the hosting, etc. So I contacted him and told him what had been going on again and he told me he had moved host. Thusly the account with NH was terminated, however, today I've found that he isn't actually hosted with anyone at the moment.

He'd asked for a refund for his design a couple of times and I'd sent it twice, receving a notification of a successful payment each time and then I received another e-mail about it claiming that he ahdn't received it! Which to be honest, I feel is a little fishy.

But I'm not trying to start a flame war with anyone, so I'm just leavig him to it.
OK, Liam, let me say one thing first, I was just

notifying you that I was looking at other hosts, however, I told you NOT to terminate my account.

2. for the coding, why could you not finish the site

and give it to me? Even if I moved, I could use it.

3. As for the paypal refund, I will ask Paypal about that, but if I find that you DID not pay, you will

get negative feedback.

I will send you the responce from paypal via E-mail.
Pages: 1 2