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Full Version: 20 questions
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Pages: 1 2
I'm thinking of something. It is an object or material: an animal, a mineral or a vegetable. (vegetables include all plants and plant materials and minerals include everything that isn't an animal or a vegetable.) Your job is to try to guess what it is. You may ask any question that can be answered with "yes" or "no". The first one to guess what I'm thinking about wins. Once twenty questions have been asked, you may continue to guess, but you can't ask any more questions.
Does it have fur?
FirefoxWiz Wrote:Does it have fur?

Can it walk?
Does it have feathers?
DrPoodle Wrote:Can it walk?

Beta Wrote:Does it have feathers?

Is it a "thing", as in not moveable by itself?
Does it have 4 legs?
Does it have TWO legs??

Knock knock Papa... are you there?
Is it a naked mole rat?
Pages: 1 2