Support Forums

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Hi, I'm new to Firefox Forums. Thought I would introduce myself here and say Hi.

I found it from google by searching firefox support, though I'm not really here for support, just discussions. Smile
Awesome well let me be the first to welcome you to the forum. Be sure to have a wonderful stay here.
Cool! Welcome to Firefox Forums, and I sure hope you enjoy your stay and help us get some good discussions going. Big Grin
This place is in firefox support? or those the tags?
Usually if you search for Firefox Support on Google, we're listed on the page.
Wow it's kinda like your offically the place to go to for firefox support. Maybe you could become the #1 FireFox Support Forum. That would be pretty cool huh?
Yeah, but I don't know everything about it.
So you can learn as you help others. Learn things you diddn't know.
Yup, that's happened alot of times already.
Heh ya same here. I've learned about new browsers I never knew existed.
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