on the standard mybb board the reputation settings are unclear, where can i change the user's permission to give reps / or neg reps for my forum.. cause now everyone has access to give -2-1-0+1+2
I want it to be restricted.... any ideas?
only mods and admins have -2 -1 0 +1 +2
reg users are only allowed to rep -1 0 +1
Go to your Admin CP>Users & Groups>Groups>Registered>Options>Edit Group>Users and Permissions>Reputation System>Edit to your satisfaction.
Do the same process for any other user groups you want to change.
u have to become the admin
ike omniscient
It's his forums.....
If you would like to make it so only certain GID's can give negative rep, check out
this plugin at mybbcentral.com. However, to download Omni's plugins you must be a subscriber.