Howdy there, php_root! We
wish to welcome you to Firefox Forums! I do hope you have a wonderful time here, and get answers to your questions, if you have any.
Before you post
though, I want to you read the <a href="http://www.firefox.dajoob.com/showthread.php?tid=4&action=lastpost">Forum Rules</a>.
Because those rules must be followed.
I want everyone that can to welcome our new member, php_root. Please make him/her feel comfortable here
and enjoy his/her stay!
FirefoxWiz (Admin)
Thanks for welcoming me.
I'v been
tring to change my avatar, but it won't work.
Double post removed.
Edited By Cool_Guy to
fix misspeled words.
4get dat.
i fixt it.
hey php_root,
Umm proper
english is mostly prefered on this forum
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Mispelled words in
php_root Wrote:tanks 4 welcoming em.
i ben trin 2 chnge mi avitar, but it wnt
php_root Wrote:4get dat.
i fixt it.
As Zaher said, Proper English is prefered on
this forum.
The first rule for this forum
1 * Languages: All posts must be written in the English language.
If you've read the rules, that is
Sorry about that.
Welcome to the forum php_root! Have fun
here, read the rules, and post around a bit!
Glad you joined.