I'm looking forward to all the plugins. I wonder if the "MyAwards" plugin will be implemented, i'm curious about what awards there would be if it was added.
Mint colors

Love, but code is kinda hard to read (just my opinion).
Maybe a bit darker grey?
(10-05-2009, 11:04 AM)L0iz Wrote: [ -> ]Mint colors
Love, but code is kinda hard to read (just my opinion).
Maybe a bit darker grey?
I was just about to say that. It is something I also noticed.
The same thing happens when you add a quote and you want to either, 'quote the selected post' or 'deselect them', this text is slightly unreadable.
I think it needs some color adjustments and a new logo and it will be all set

Can't vote yet, but i like it. Maybe make the green a little darker, but I don't mind the way it is now.
this is very good ...nice abstract

It's pretty cool but the colour scheme is a little eye soar or atleast is for me..
If theres more then one theme, not sure.
It's the grey boxes with a green background with strip borders.
Make it a bit darker or something and it will seem nicer or switch the colours around.
Omni Code, there are 4 options you can choose from.
Go to this link
http://www.supportforums.net/usercp.php?action=options and at the bottom right hand corner you can choose from Support-Blue, Support-Green, Support-Orange and Support-Yellow. Try them out and see which you prefer.
I personally think it's excellent.
It is good. A little easy on the eyes. Though white text which are very small can hardly be read.