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I want to submit it for publication in a book. Do you think its good?

False Gods

These streets are filled with strangers
Staring, Judging, with hollow eyes
Their words transparent, disgusting
Don't trust them, they don't care
But to use you, their doll, their toy
False gods abusing their powers
Let's join them, shall we?

also this

I like it!
Not so much the picture but I like the poem.
Did you sucessfully publish it yet?
If not then alert me when it does.
i like it too, you should write a book of poetry!

This reminds me on when i was learning English, i use to write comic books, books and poems and sell them to my family Big Grin

I was eight, I think
Yep works for me.
Good work and good luck publishing it.
Again like earlier post. The pic does nothing for me.
Great poem though.
I'm not a fan of the picture, but I like the poem.
(08-01-2010, 06:31 PM)Mentalist Wrote: [ -> ]i like it too, you should write a book of poetry!

This reminds me on when i was learning English, i use to write comic books, books and poems and sell them to my family Big Grin

I was eight, I think

Instant $ because they cant say no to an 8 y/o!
Wow nice i like it alot. Can't wait to see more
Nice poem, sweet looking graphic too!