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Full Version: Want to start a Bc2 clan (Xbox 360)
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Hello Guys and girls of supportforums, I am looking to start up my own Battlefield bad company 2 clan for the Xbox 360. If you are interested in joining please reply here with how many hours a week you log online and I will pm you if your accepted.

Hope to get some good playersOui
Is this for the xbox?
(07-03-2010, 06:58 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Is this for the xbox?

Yes, Lol sorry I completely forgot to state this in orginaly post Tongue
You might want to edit that in.

Also I don't play much, but if I had people to play with I could play.
(07-03-2010, 07:02 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]You might want to edit that in.

Also I don't play much, but if I had people to play with I could play.

Thats exactly why I don't play very much anymore. I hate the people I get on my team when I search single.
They never have mics and never have team work O.o
(07-03-2010, 07:09 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]They never have mics and never have team work O.o

Lol I know right, They Always steal the 4 wheelers and Humvees and drive off on meOmg
Okay, well I will join you're team.

My GT is WTFragatron.
(07-03-2010, 07:28 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, well I will join you're team.

My GT is WTFragatron.

Ok I'll add you as soon as I'm done eating. GT : Industrialized
Dude, if you're just starting this thing I definitely want in. I don't do a lot of practice because I dislike playing with random people, but I could literally play at any time of the day if needed, and when with even only one person, I really can kick ass if they have a mic. My gamertag is brad5452.

If I can get in, just send me a friend request and possibly a message over xbox live because I joined this site just to join this clan.
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