Do not worry if your penis seems small in comparison to what others say. They are most likely either lying or measuring it incorrectly. Probably both.
Either it'll grow or it won't simple as that.
Just pointing out most women can't have an orgasm through penetration alone, so it doesn't really matter. Women won't care as long as you can come up with a way to get them off.
Its all about personal preference, some girls like big dicks, some girls like black dicks...just wait till your a bit older to worry about how big yours is ;)
You're too young to be worrying about your penis size, you're probably still not completely done with puberty yet, so it'll take some time. Just be patient, and in the end, size doesn't matter.
I think this thread should be locked. The dude's already gotten his answer 100 times over now.
Dude it doesn't matter. Its like brain power some are smart and others not so smart. No matter what you can't change it.
Size does not matter, its all about technique
So you've never had sex before nor she's ever touched your penis before?
Don't be concerned you can't really make it grow bigger. Just eat healthy.
(07-03-2010, 03:44 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Well when I was 14 it was around 6 1/2 inches. Although age doesn't matter, a man can have 5 inches at 24. While a 13 year old can have 8 inches...
AT 14 YEARS OLD? haha pretty big.