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I do won a BlackBerry, but the iPhone rocks it.
I prefer BlackBerry because it's better with everything, if it falls nothing with happen (I am talking about the damage), but if a iPhone falls than the damage will be big.
I voted for the iPhone I had the Blackberry and I thaught the phone was terrible. It was so fragile and it was a pretty fat phone.
Iphone 4, its just a genius invention!
Blackberry is good also, but Iphone is the one for me Big Grin
I prefer the iPhone. Blackberry is more for business people and has really lame apps.
iPhone in my opinion is better blackberry u think of older more business like
iPhone, The BB is OLD, and they don't work very well.
I had one and the plastic cracked.
The BB Storm is really bad too, So I've heard.
IMO they are both very good phones, but personally im an iphone fan since i own an iphone 4.
Alright, so if your only going to be 14, get an iPhone. There are games and you can do a lot more. Blackberries are meant for businesses. You can link your emails, etc. Seriously, get an iPhone, they are badass.
Personally, I am an iPhone user for a million reasons.

- Blackberry has REALLY REALLY tiny buttons
- To my knowledge, it's not pleasant to watch a video on your BB, as it's a small screen
- Far less customizable.
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