Anyone got a RuneScape account I can have? I want to teach my little brother the ropes
I quite like it as well so I'll probably get back into it
- Sam
I jsut got my self a level 70 for free
Member to. Um, it's the crap. Just start a fresh account and let him work the whole ropes not cheat.?
I had a few accounts a few months ago but I lost all the pws or else I would give you an account

I buy/sell Runescape accounts'
So if you hit me up with your MSN I could probably maybe get you one for cheap, or for free.
I would just bot for a week or two haha
My accounts just a skiller don't think you want it anyway. Only decent skill is woodcutting which is 81.
I don't play to often.
(06-30-2010, 05:41 AM)Minus-Zero Wrote: [ -> ]I would just bot for a week or two haha
I always do that... I have 99 hunter on 14 accounts ;O
I think botting is disgusting. How hard the development team work in-order to prevent people from exploiting the game.
I don't bot.
ill check my logs then pm u