(06-22-2010, 01:49 AM)xRaMpAgE Wrote: [ -> ]How to Watch Star Wars: A New Hope in CMD !
1) Go to "Start" then "Run".
2) Type in "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"
3) And Enjoy watching Star Wars: A New Hope in CMD LOL!
Yeah Hey nice copy and paste from HF to here.
My friend taught me this a couple weeks ago lol. I wish that it worked with 7. That would make road trips go by faster lol =)
I did this a longggg time ago...it's pretty neat
hahahaha! It's funny
and annoying :@
This is very old and easy, but brings back memories.
Very old, But always fun to watch.
Wow, damn I need to learn some cmmds like these ones
It doesn't work with Windows 7 :O
This is really old news for me, but might be something new to others. Nevertheless thanks for sharing