Hey everyone,
I like the idea of SF and I will be using this as much as HF from now on.
Seems like a nice community ^_^
Hey there BuTTeRs.
Welcome to Support Forums. If there's anything you need let one of us know.
~Detective RooTz
Welcome to Support Forums, BuTTeRs. Glad you like what you've see so far. Enjoy yourself here.
Hello My Name Is BuTTeRs.
Welcome to SupportForums and have a nice stay.
Welcome to SupportForums brother
Welcome to Support Forums. If you need anything then just post or PM me
- Sam
Welcome to SF, I like this seagull by the way!
(06-21-2010, 06:58 AM)Gerald311441 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to SF, I like this seagull by the way!
Ha thanks finally someone how likes him =)
Welcome to Support Forums. (:
Welcome to SF, Since there arent many leechers/low quality posters, this forum will be the best in the free time, in my opinion..