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I may do 1 or all of these things while playing. I mostly listen to music.
I normally am doing one of those while playing games but never all of them.
Mostly just eat and drink while playing - music distracts me if i game hard (:
Yea i would say that but with going on computer :p
Sometimes I play and listen to music, but if I'm eating also, it usually only chips or something.
When I play I often eat snacks. Then I have my laptop open on HF and facebook and
I have a glass of koolaid at my finger tips at all times.

And have my Turtle Beach Earforce X31's on too.
I do every one of those except the music is usually low
I Eat/Drink/Play computer/many other things while playing video games
Well I don't Know about at the exact same but definately when I die or in between games lol
(09-01-2010, 10:41 PM)Qwazz Wrote: [ -> ]I Eat/Drink/Play computer/many other things while playing video games
Well I don't Know about at the exact same but definately when I die or in between games lol

That sound like "the life".
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