I think that this book is very useful. It taught me a lot about Python.
I'm sorry but I'm not giving you free cash. I'll try and find some TuTs for Python. <3
Goddamnit guys, why could you not just click the link? It is 3 seconds of your time. You heartless bastard.
No disrespect to you. Maybe they didn't want all the hassle of the ads. I clicked it because I am bored.
Are you telling me you only posted it to earn money from the link?
No, to help and to make a few cents off of people's time.
To be fair guys there is only one advert page that loads. So don't let that deter you from checking out the Ebook.
I clicked it as well. You selected a good resource, but it would have been nice if you posted the original link here.
I agree, next time you could just post your adf.ly link
and the original link, and then just tell people if they want to help you out to click the adf.ly link. That way everyone is happy, problem solved