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Hello there,

I am writing here because I really just need some place to talk. My mother and I had a good relationship, but she also had a very hard life. Things changed for her in the last 2 years or so, when her health rapidly deteriorated, but at which time she also got out of a very abusive relationship. Now, in her 60s, she can't really enjoy her life because of her health condition that severely reduced her mobility. It makes me feel sad. I am going to visit her, and for the first time we could have a quality time to talk. I would lik eto tell her and ask her so many things, I know I can generally be open with her, but some things I think are better to keep to myself. I wanted to tell her about my struggles with bulimia, but I don't think I should now, since it would bother her thinking that she had caused it. In another way, it might help her to have it out in the open rather than guessing at it. Aside from that, I wonder if we will be able to talk openly about past issues that need to be discussed, since I am so afraid to burden her now.
I am scared that she doesn't have a long time left, and it makes me angry, because the best of her years were stolen by an abusive family. I know I can't do anything about it, but it makes me sad that my mother can't enjoy her life much. And I hate the prospect of losing her so soon, too. I am writing this because it pains me a lot, and I don't really know where to turn. My mother dedicated all her life to helping others, and yet nobody seems to care about her when she would need help and support. Again I know I can't help it, and it's not my responsibility. I just feel so sad for her, and it hurts to see her like this.

Thanks for the support...

I think you should keep it to yourself (bulimia) and seek help for it somewhere else.
As for your mom, be there to support her and let her know how much she means to you.
Maybe seek for help, maybe consult a counsellor to help you through things, I can't really say anything else.
(06-16-2010, 08:18 PM)dg240 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello there,

I am writing here because I really just need some place to talk. My mother and I had a good relationship, but she also had a very hard life. Things changed for her in the last 2 years or so, when her health rapidly deteriorated, but at which time she also got out of a very abusive relationship. Now, in her 60s, she can't really enjoy her life because of her health condition that severely reduced her mobility. It makes me feel sad. I am going to visit her, and for the first time we could have a quality time to talk. I would lik eto tell her and ask her so many things, I know I can generally be open with her, but some things I think are better to keep to myself. I wanted to tell her about my struggles with bulimia, but I don't think I should now, since it would bother her thinking that she had caused it. In another way, it might help her to have it out in the open rather than guessing at it. Aside from that, I wonder if we will be able to talk openly about past issues that need to be discussed, since I am so afraid to burden her now.
I am scared that she doesn't have a long time left, and it makes me angry, because the best of her years were stolen by an abusive family. I know I can't do anything about it, but it makes me sad that my mother can't enjoy her life much. And I hate the prospect of losing her so soon, too. I am writing this because it pains me a lot, and I don't really know where to turn. My mother dedicated all her life to helping others, and yet nobody seems to care about her when she would need help and support. Again I know I can't help it, and it's not my responsibility. I just feel so sad for her, and it hurts to see her like this.

Thanks for the support...


The thing I would do, is try to make the best out of it. And don't think negative, heads up. I'd talk to her about how you feel, my mom and I have gone through this aswell. She had cancer. I know what you're talking about and how you feel. But as I said before, I wouldn't let it hang if I was you.