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Full Version: New Xbox 360 ? Thoughts ?
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Okay so what are your thoughts on the new Xbox ? My thoughts are it will be shitty when it first comes out then it will get better.

i think the features such as the wifi and hardrive are good but i wanan see peoples reviews once more people buy it.
(06-15-2010, 01:41 AM)iCarly Wrote: [ -> ]i think the features such as the wifi and hardrive are good but i wanan see peoples reviews once more people buy it.

Yah. Same here the wifi will be good for some people. And i like how the hard drive is 250 gb. And all of this for only $ 300.00 usd. Smile
yea plus you get the shiny guide button on the controllers : )
(06-15-2010, 01:48 AM)iCarly Wrote: [ -> ]yea plus you get the shiny guide button on the controllers : )

Yah. Also i am pretty sure that the buttons on it are like not buttons but like sensors.
(06-15-2010, 01:58 AM)Skylit Wrote: [ -> ]Yah. Also i am pretty sure that the buttons on it are like not buttons but like sensors.

yea like the eject button is a sensor im not sure about the power button tho.
Lol. Yah, and also i like how it is like shiny and how it's buttons are like Chrome colored. Smile
Looks freakin amazing. I want my Xbox to RROD so I can have it. Smile
I think it looks alright. Not good enough to go out and buy it though. I'll stick with my old one.
I'm gonna get it once i get reviews on it. Smile
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