I think I have an prostate infection...
I just looked up some symptoms, and it matches, almost like 80%.
I'm just 15, and I don't know how to bring this or what to even do....
well just see a doctor or at least ask one on the phone, I doubt u have it on ur age.
I'm going to go ahead and move this to the emotional support section.
Please, consult a doctor immediately. It may be hard for you to tell your parents, but it needs to be done.
Yeah, like Elektrisk said. You need to consult a doctor.
(06-14-2010, 08:51 AM)Hatashi Wrote: [ -> ]I think I have an prostate infection...
I just looked up some symptoms, and it matches, almost like 80%.
I'm just 15, and I don't know how to bring this or what to even do....
Go to your school's doctor, or your house doctor. He has somthing called Professional secrecy. If you ask him not to tell it to anyone, he won't. Not even your parents. I don't know about the laws in your country though, but her in my country, you have the right to chose weither your problems get exposed to your parents, or not.
Go to your school nurse/doctor and say you'd like that you would keep this secret, as by law they cannot disclose it.
I hope you don't have it, goodluck.
If confirmed, I'd tell your parents.