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Ok ok.... so I made this program that'll be able to make standardized Access Code ID's and is interchangeable with Remote ACID's (rACID). Basically what it does is create a code on the server side to give to people who are allowed access to specific server resources.

I am currently working on the server/client side scripting. Until then familiarise yourself with this program:
import random, hashlib, sys, time

arg_1 = (sys.argv[1])
    arg_2 = (sys.argv[2])
except IndexError:
    arg_2 = None
if arg_2 != None and arg_2 != '-y':
    print 'ERROR: invalid argument\nTry `-y` to veiw the standard ACID encryption value'
except ValueError:
    print "ERROR: requires a numeric argument..."
if int(arg_1) > 18:
    print 'ERROR: max range is 18'
d = '#'
i = 1
while i <= int(sys.argv[1]) :
    digit = random.randrange(0, 9, 1)
    alphArray = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
    array = [digit,alphArray]
    choice = random.choice(array)
    if choice is digit:
        d = d+str(digit)
        alpha = random.choice(alphArray)
        d = d+alpha
    i = i+1

print '\n'+d
if arg_2 == '-y':
    print str('%''sha256',d).hexdigest()+'%\n')
interesting Tongue
r u making a rat??