If you use it while you sleep (like I do) put a phonebook under it so that the fan can cool itself and when your using it when your not sleeping keep it elevated
(11-30-2009, 01:07 PM)ToTzIK Wrote: [ -> ]If you use it while you sleep (like I do) put a phonebook under it so that the fan can cool itself and when your using it when your not sleeping keep it elevated
All laptops I've ever seen have rubber bumps on the sides to make sure it doesn't slide anywhere and for proper ventilation, as it lifts the laptop off the ground.
Try buying one of those cooling pads that distributes the heat. Mine was doing this also but I bought one of those and it stopped.
I have been having this problem for a long time now, sad part is that the manufacturer is known for this. (Toshiba)
A couple solutions are:
Buy a cooling pad.
Make sure you aren't resting your computer on a blanked or anything that will get hot.
Only charge your computer when it has 5-10% battery life left, and remove the charger once complete.
Dear OP if you are still active on this thread?
have you tried using Ubuntu?
Monitor your temperature with a program, I used, 18kfangui (I think that), but I also think it is only for Dells. Mine was running at 90 degrees celsius.