Nice suggestion man, but I preffer lighter that darker green. Maybe just change the color ? Because forums is all green
Well I support for a lighter green, it's far to dark to see, you literally have to concentrate on the number to get it.
If we was to change the colour I'd prefer it to be lighter, definitely not darker but I really don't mind if it stays how it is. Depending on the screen that I am using, the colour of the reputation number changes from dark to light, so changing to a certain colour may be useful for some and not for others.
The darker shade maybe harder to see. A lighter color may help.
As Skill said, the color changes depending on your monitor. We have to be careful before making a change. We might just make things worse.
The people have spoken. Light green!
Like the light green in Skill's signature.
I think maybe it's your screen colour. Rep for me shows up comfortably.
It should be changed to a lighter green.
Done. Changed to the background green which is more visible.
And it has to be lighter as darker will not be viewable.
A welcome change for the better as it is more readable, but not so light as to draw attention to it. Thank you.