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Full Version: [Tut] Customizing your Computers Look [Tut]
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Pages: 1 2 3
Great tutorial.I like it.
Thanks again for this, just made my folders look awesome.
(06-18-2010, 07:33 AM)Crysis. Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks again for this, just made my folders look awesome.

My pleasure really Blackhat
OMG finally I found it! ever since like 2 Years ago I saw someone mod their login screen for vista with a little big planet pic and im like I need to find out how to do this and Finally I found this thread! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!!!
Awesome Tutorial . Keep it up Big Grin
Pretty nice TuT even tho RocketDock jus pisses me off lol.
This is a very nice tutorial, I'm gonna do this! It looks awesome!
This is a great tutorial. Kudos, Yet this is not Hackforums, this is SupportForums!
You weren't kidding when you said don't mind my crappy wallpaper but, good tut though. Smile
Thanks buddy, you just remind me the folder trick Smile
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