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Full Version: My mum has JUST left me and my bro.
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Quote:Ok how can i start this.

Basically my mum was in a relationship with a whiteguy ( i said white guy cause normaly she goes with blackmen)(were white) the relationship seemed good. Mum said she was happy he was taking her out all the time i was happy for her. Then she starts going on internet dating sites AGAIN i said mum why even bother.. you know its gonna fck everything up and your end up meeting someone and mess around. She said "no i just wanna talk to people online thats all ican have friends you know", i said ok and just left it at that.

Wednesday and fridays are the normal days my mums bf takes her out because she aint working nights then, weirdly enough my mum was getting all ready and stuff then the time came for him to come i said "mum thought you was going out" then she replied "nah i changed my mind" i was like ok... kinda weird tho as she never tuns down going out and even if she doe he would come round to see her.

Then the next morning my mum said "what do you think about moving to africa" i was like no why would i wanna move out there whens its ok here. she then replied "o ok then", i was like why..? let me guess your met someone online and you wanna go out there, she said " no i was just thinking about it". Then i asked why didnt her bf (dont wanna mention names) come round last night or anything, then she said i have finished it with him. I was like WTF why do you always do this why do you mess stuff up all the time you was good together soon as you get on the internet and talk to other people it always fucks it up!

Then about a hour ago she said iv toldyour sister (my sister has a daughter and lives somewhere else) i was like told her what, she said " what im going to do" im like... wtf what are you going to do, she said "i told you" i was like no you didnt she said im moving to africa... im going in september.. I was like WTF so what about me and my bro and she said your sister said you can stay with her. i said i dont wanna stay with her ill sort my self out.

The point of this is dont you think that she is being really selfish, she asked us what we think about it but clearly that didnt matter she already sorted it all out.. so now basically come Augest im homeless!

its like she will hardly see us again and see her granddaughter, how can i freakin afford tickets to go and see her just like that.. freakin grrrrrrrrrr
fudge im pissed off rightnow!


Ok that was the post on hackforums i made. Afew days later she changed her mind, and said she wasnt going.

Mum told me and my bro the other day she had to go into work at 3Am to help out (she is a carerer) My bro went in her room to see if she has gone and then he finds 3 notes one for my bro, sis lives with her bf and one for me... Basically she has said she loves us ect and she has gone..

Great so what do i do now. Sad atm typing this im crying im seriously angry and upset.. like am i ever going to see my mum again?!!?
That's just terrible.
this all happened 1-2 hours ago now cant get in contact with my mum i don't know what to do.
Your sister lives with her boyfriend so she's almost an adult. Call her and tell her everything that happened she will for sure know what to do.
Contact your sister, but also contact an older family member. This is abandonment and it is not fair to you or your siblings.

If you cannot contact a family member, get in touch with a teacher at your school, who can refer you to a counsellor.

If the time of day does not permit it, call a helpline.

If you can't get a helpline number, I would seriously consider getting the police involved and reporting your mum as a missing person. Let them call her workplace to see if she has given notice, or at least find out if she has left the country.

My thoughts are with you.
Thanks alot eve, i wrote this thread just to know your comment. I rang my sister up at 4am she was annoyed but more pissed off with ma mum. Dad rang me 7am sharp lol had like 1-2 hours sleep. its 8:20am now... he said what you wanna do so i basically told him everything we have in the house and he is going to try and sort out a van for tomorrow... My mum stated in a letter she left me and my bro that she hasnt payed the rent she used it to buy a ticket for Africa. Yes my dad is annoyed its really unfair he has to sort everything out and cost him money to get us down there. when we are there we will have to Go to the council and try get a flat or sort something out with them with my sister as they are moving into a 2 bed house maybe the council will give them a bigger house and let us stay there.. Ill have to sort my self out and get a job and stuff. My sister texted my mum she replied "this is where im happy" i keep ringing her but she aint replying.
It sounds like there are a lot of decisions that need to be made but the plan sounds sensible. Consider filing the missing person report -- if I was in your position I would do so for the sake of finding out where my parent is. You also need to get some sleep so that you can think clearly about what jobs you will apply for.

This is a really emotional time. You and your siblings will have to give each other strength. I will check in on this thread too, so keep well.
If I may ask? How old are you?

This happened to my step-siblings except their mom and my step-dad were still married. And basically, she took what she wanted and flew up to New York. It was really hard on them, so I think I know how you might feel right now.

Have things like this happened before? If so I would consider going to live with your dad. (If thats possible)

Best of luck to you. I hope your mother comes back and realizes the mistake she made.
You can live with your dad or get help from authorities as what Eve had stated. Finding her will be faster with that.
WoW dude send her a gift or somthing
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