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...So theres this girl....

Anyways she is here right now and basically she like me as a friend... O and she is Bi (more lez) and my sister is about to go to sleep and we are going to watch Jenifers Body together bc we both like Megon Fox.

What do you want tips on...? Watch the movie.
I'm guessing it's safe to say you fancy this girl. Well, if I were in your situation, I would probably make small hints that I am interested in the girl, such as light touching on the arm or hand, or leg if you feel the girl will not get upset at you. Movies are a common theme for "making moves", they cast a feeling over you that is established as curious, and excited.

If she has any feelings for you, being that you're about to watch a movie, that "casted feeling" I just described will sink in soon, and she may even make hints at you. It would be wise to be aware, for sometimes we can miss these "hints".