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Full Version: Lockerz scam?
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How long did you work for a mac ?, damn i want one.

i want a mac so badly from the site but its hard to redeem
Wow, congrats on getting your Macbook!
(05-30-2010, 02:27 PM)Carbon Wrote: [ -> ]I got a iPhone and 8gb iPod from them, no.

You are a Lier , lockerz doesn't offer iphone in any country , they never listed it ,
I have friends who have received the items they ordered, and also have friends who never received what they ordered. I would probably say it isn't a scam as people have provided enough proof that it actually works, but I haven't tried redeeming anything myself as of yet.
I never even joined. :S
People are always saying that I should try to get an invite, but I'm not really one for prizes.

Cash is better IMO.

With all the hype, though, I doubt it's a scam.
My friend got a shirt and 10 ipod stickers and a usb stick from there. I don't think it's a scam. It's just a lot harder to get prizes since so many people use it now.
It just takes a long time to ship that's all.
How in the world did you get enough for a macbook???
I dont think lockers is a scam, but it sure is hard as f*ck to get things x)
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