(For Guys)
(For Girls)
How you like ?
so if you have suggestion feel free to PM me
Nice avatars you did there EmotionZ.
I don't like them. You need to get more involved with a dedicated GFX forum if you wish to improve quicker. Look for some in Google, or try iBruteforce's forum -- it is in my signature.
No offense and thanks for contributing but it just seems like they look... low quality.
This is an example of a really good one:
Maybe after a bit more practice you'll get better

They're alright, though they aren't my favorites. The first one I don't like the text or the reflection, and the second one is just kinda weird. Plus it's hard to see the SF in the second one.
The first one isn't VERY bad if I may say but the second one is just straight ugly.
Don't really like either of them sorry. They seem a bit too childlike. Also the font is really not good.
Haha sorry but I lol the "For girls" one

It should be "For hippies"
Looks a bit ;/ needs to be more crisp, there just to much going on.
No real offence but it looks a bit ':/' i don't PERSONALLY like it, sorry.