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Starting at 5 posts per month Big Grin
I don't understand what you're offering here. Can you please explain this in a little more detail?
What is this, do you have to post on that forum to earn a host? or what are you offering
(05-24-2010, 01:33 AM)† KaLaShNiKoV † Wrote: [ -> ]What is this, do you have to post on that forum to earn a host? or what are you offering

Pretty much. Post-2-Host services provide free webhosting plans in exchange for an agreed number of posts.
I thought the title of the thread and the name of the site would make it obvious enough. Eve is correct.
(05-24-2010, 10:36 AM)timestandstill Wrote: [ -> ]I thought the title of the thread and the name of the site would make it obvious enough. Eve is correct.

It was... but what happened to your original post? I thought you had a huge write up.
Just checking: is this your site, a resource you are sharing, or a host you have used?