Depends if it's a girlfriend or not and if they are next to you ^_^
Invest the money in girls, after which you let them buy you a game occasionally.
Depends if she is just goin to leave you in a heart beat hmmm, up to you.
Nope, generally my phone doesn't go any more, but there was a few weeks it never stopped, pretty damn annoying, but I didn't mind too much.
Videogames were boring me
Games do not have pussy. Gives you nothing really than a G-Ego. (G-Ego=Gaming ego.)
Girls. Give head/pussy. Give you a relationship etc. Fun to hang with etc.
(06-19-2010, 11:14 AM)Detective RooTz Wrote: [ -> ]Girls.
Games do not have pussy. Gives you nothing really than a G-Ego. (G-Ego=Gaming ego.)
Girls. Give head/pussy. Give you a relationship etc. Fun to hang with etc.
However you run the risc on getting hurt. My advise is ; Don't get to close the first week, see how it runs. Treat her with respect.
woow, this is stilll going ;) gotta be the girl for me unless shes holdin out gee ;D
Playing games with girls.
hehe hugsyou honestly, i prefer games.