To be honest, if a guy is calling me and I'm interested in him, I don't care about losing the current match/game I'm in. I'll just put down the controller to talk to them. I won't even mention that I was in a game. If it's some guy whom I don't like, or don't really want to hang with, I'll just ignore the call. You shouldn't let games run your life though :p
Girls obc.
I mean, there RL, games are not >?
(06-03-2010, 03:01 PM)Cyandelta Wrote: [ -> ]Girls obc.
I mean, there RL, games are not >?
Unless it's a virtual reality game!
Games are just ftw
Games don't get boring =D!
Girls do!
(06-04-2010, 04:17 AM)Username Wrote: [ -> ]Games are just ftw
Games don't get boring =D!
Girls do!
Games don't get boring? I want to turn off my console after 30 minutes because I get so bored just being sat there and not actually doing anything.
Girls > Games.
MW2 doesn't get boring for me o_O
LOL, used to get this all the time when I started dating my girlfriend. She'd say she was going out or whatever and I'm like oh sweet I can get to play Halo tonight, but nope phone kept going off every 2 minutes. And wanting to keep her, I put my game on hold lololol I've never gotten such bad K/D ratios hahaha.
Its girls of course !!
To be perfectly honest, for me, it totally depends who it is. I will not text just any random girl or person while I play. If my girlfriend were to, on the other hand, I would literally quit and turn off my game just to talk to her. If it's someone I hate, games ftw.
When I had a GF I would have one earphone in listening to music and playing on my PC. Just saying "Yeh, Oh really, That's good"
Then she dumped me a few days later because she said like at the end of a conversation "I feel really down my cat has to be put down" and I said "That's good"
Lol I was only like 13/14 then though