i only have like 5 games and thats all that i need to keep me content.
Well i'm not going to go counting but estimate i got:
100 ps1 games
250 ps2 games
25 xbox360 games
30 PC games
can't remember how many sega games or gameboy games.
Don't have a PS3
not wasting anymore money, need save for university.
Although my parents bought most the games
I have about 5-8. All I need to be honest.
I don't get why people have HUNDREDS of games, Who don't even play 3/4 of them.
I have 40+Ps2 games. About 7 360 games. Quite a collection of GBA/DS games and other crap. So over all quite a lot.
Nintendo 64 : Everygame released in the united kingdom.
Playstation : 40 - 50 Games
Playstation 2 : 80 or so games
Playstation 3 : 6 Games.
Xbox original : 23 games
Xbox 360 : 47 Games.
PSP : 60 Games.
Nintendo DS : 8 Games.
Retro games : over 300 ( Cannot be bothered to list consoles such as Snes etc )
PC - 4
Xbox 360 - 15
PS 2 - 4,
Those are all.
I have 15 Xbox 360 Games and like 100 ps2 games that are old.
11 for the Xbox 360
14 for PSP
22 for PS2
I use to have 30+ for Nintendo 64 and 10+ Games for the Gameboy series.
Sold most of my games and consoles.
I have PS2 lol. Dont use it.
I rely on pc based games or emulators.
Combine all them. I could not count.
Perhaps 3000?
Like 4 Games on my PC.
Gta IV.
Sims 3.
Burnout: Paradise City.
Street Fighter IV.