I'm wondering how to change the "title" under my name.. I've looked for it, but I'm not finding it.
Help, please?
UserCP -> Edit Profile -> Custom User title
It should go up automatically when you get certain milestones in post count. But if you mean a custom title, well that is under your User CP > Edit Profile.
OHH, I'm blind, omg.
I read that page a hundreds of times, LOL!
(10-08-2009, 01:40 PM)LOL Wrote: [ -> ]OHH, I'm blind, omg.
I read that page a hundreds of times, LOL!
I wont lie, it happened to me.
I think "condom smuggler" is much sexier than learner...
Good question in my case would be: What to change it into?
hmmm something you belive in or a funny phrase