I'm glad to see you went through with it.
I'd like to see the favicon changed to the HJT icon - unless the current one is the PH icon.
Site-wise, not bad. I think you should make the title more 'professional'.
The hyperlinks should have rollovers. Other than that, it looks great
I can help you with the site. I am happy to find more people getting into HJT. I myself would like a tool to speed up analysis.
@Malware, the current favicon is the PH icon.
The title is colourful, I guess it could be a bit more professional, it may get changed in the future.
Thank you for sharing!
@Elektrisk, I added rollovers, but it's a light grey. I didn't get time to test them, obviously you can't see it.
Thank you for sharing!
@SkullTraill, I am going to bed now actually for an early start tomorrow. If you want to add me on "daneasaur@live.com" I would love your help!
I like it. 6.
Make the page longer, and some ads would probably 'look' nicer imo, haha. Too plain.
Thanks but like I said, look at the template not the content, it is no where near finished ;D
Its okay, overall i do not really like it.
I find it quite sexy ^___^
especially the rainbow header
(05-18-2010, 10:40 AM)//Pretext™ Wrote: [ -> ]Its okay, overall i do not really like it.
Care to elaborate?