Haha, that was pretty funny, I think I've seen it before but none the less good fine and share.
Seen it, would be pretty fun to play like that.
If seen this a billion times not that funny in my opinion
You can upload your own clip and make it funny tho ?
Lol the birthday thing with the bomb made me lol so hard.
(08-11-2011, 02:33 AM)H4CKCID_BURN Wrote: [ -> ]Lol the birthday thing with the bomb made me lol so hard.
That'd be cool in real life, now wouldn't it?
this was funny..a year ago pretty old and immature now
That is pretty random, thanks for the laugh.
the birthday bomb thing was pretty funny i guess
I have to agree this was funny but what really got me was when it said included extreme gore addition.