Make some usefull calculator
With big buttons and great design
Try to make a bot for I don't know for .. Read Bud ?
I was making a clicker for bejeweled (facebook)... but the most i got was a 100k points
@Control, i'm not sure how to do design with C
Still a bit new to C++... On HF IRC, BSDPunk and a few others started this crew type thing who produce a different program every week in a different language...
(05-17-2010, 02:28 AM)notLuke Wrote: [ -> ]Still a bit new to C++... On HF IRC, BSDPunk and a few others started this crew type thing who produce a different program every week in a different language...
I can't access HF unless i run a proxy... and i don't have any good proxy known
(05-17-2010, 03:59 AM)Genesis Wrote: [ -> ]I can't access HF unless i run a proxy... and i don't have any good proxy known
I use UltraVPN. Its pretty simple. Other than that, did you try just using a web proxy like
Thanks SkeedMads i'm looking around for some proxies right now..