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Pages: 1 2
(05-10-2010, 12:30 PM)Eagle Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get it. Can you explain me.What is difference between to rep more than one person in a day and to edit rep count as our daily allowance of one.

[I can't understand difference,English isn't my main language].

If you edit the reputation you have given someone (like, if you edit the reason for the rep, or delete it), it counts as giving a rep, which completes your max reps allowed per day. Do you understand? :b
If I edit a reputation point I already gave someone then it counts as the one rep point I'm allowed to give in 24 hours. You edit by either changing it to negative or changing the statement you made about them.

Adding a rep point to someone's reputation is just simply doing that.
Ok thanks for explanation.I understand now.

Off-topic:Elektrisk check pm's
Pages: 1 2